Students who are successful in an Independent Study setting demonstrate the following skills: Time Management: The student sets aside regular time daily to complete school work. You are a self-starter! Regular Attendance: The student makes each week’s required appointment a priority. Structured Class or Indirect Instruction Participation: The student takes advantage of one-to-one tutoring available in key subjects. Meets or exceeds Weekly Course Work Requirements: The student gets his/her work done on time, completing all assignments.
Other Student Prerequisites include:
- Students willing to make a major commitment to Independent Study for at least one semester.
- Students who may thrive in a non-traditional high school setting.
- A positive attitude by parents and students about Independent Study and its requirements
- Students who are motivated to achieve educationally.
- Ability to read and comprehend written instructions at or near grade level.
- Student ability and willingness to work with limited supervision by certificated instructor
- Possession of sufficient self-discipline and self-direction to complete learning goals.
- Parental supervision, support, assistance and commitment are highly recommended.
Special Education students may qualify if recommended through the IEP